понедельник, 25 июля 2016
Два часа ждут (а собираться стали еще раньше)
Это всегда так?
Но хотя бы они сидят, мда.
twitter.com/princelysammy/status/75730526105270... Ну все ясно, разруливать будут целый сезон
Апд. Не нашла полное видео, которое бы у меня открывалось, поэтому твитты от @fangirlingjessАпд. Не нашла полное видео, которое бы у меня открывалось, поэтому твитты от @fangirlingjess:
Scenes of Mary looking stunned, then her fighting. We saw Sam getting tortured. Dean, Cas and Mary attacked!
Singer thanks the fans for getting them to season 12.
Ruth wants boy toys. Sam want to explore Mary being a full person. Jensen looking forward to her Hunter side.
Sam and Dean never had a proper family dynamic as sons. Stuff with John was contentious. @jarpad is excited for that.
Lucifer kind of wants to be out in the world. Introduced in episode 2 played by @rickspringfield! (жив, жив! )
Lucifer is gonna try out a few vessels - one is a washed up rock star named Vince...
Licking the floor was not scripted! And Crowley wants revenge on Lucifer.
JODY! DONNA! ALEX! CLAIRE! GAVIN! All returning this season!!! (Гэвина больше всего жду)
Mary and Cas are both outsiders and bond over that. (Ооо!
не так уж не правы были те авторы драбблов )
S12 Cas will be more like S4 Cas. Badass and angry. But tattletaling on the boys! (да это прям исполнение того о чем мы все давно мечтаем. Давно пора, Кас!)
Cas knows how important Mary is to the boys and he'll have a cool dynamic with her according to Dabb. (

Mary has been mythologized for the boys. They don't really know eachother but they have a lot in common. -Dabb.
Yay! @jarpad acknowledging Cas is family. Mary is their blood - but will she be family like others have been?
To be able to experience Mary from a new perspective is really fun and interesting for @SamSmithTweets.
@mishacollins says @SamSmithTweets is a good actress and a good person which is new on set
Family is vulnerability for the boys so adding Mary adds another weakness.
"Dean grew up. Sam got larger." "Larger than God" - Jensen and Jared.
Sam is alive and getting seriously tortured by Brits of letters in episode 1.
How do we get bigger than God? Singer: we don't. Slow smaller stories this year. Good old fashioned horror. ( Ну, как я и говорила )
Also the hunt for Lucifer.
Есть уже запись полная панели или только куски с мобильников?
там еще панель NerdHQ будет с минуты на минуту. Ждешь?
Jim Michaels @TheJimMichaels 1 ч.1 час назад
There is NO season 13 ordered for #Supernatural @cw_spn! If, repeat IF that happens - we will all be very happy to confirm it then! Thx
Госпаде, нет! Закончили б уже на 13, раз не продлили еще. Красивое число.
История с самолетом смешна как в первый раз. Е-мое, Миша, как можно ТАК смешно излагать это