Это все один пост, но из двух частей, поэтому ссылки тоже две:
Тони Бевелл как персонаж может начать там, где закончила ангел Наоми(интересная мысль! ):
читать дальшеI’m wondering if Part of Toni’s arc will be a similar kind of redemption that Naomi was just embarking on when Metatron killed her in order to steer the story for his own purposes
Metatron was rendered powerless and eventually sacrificed himself to Amara with a plea on behalf of the universe. Balance has now been restored. The original Fridged Feminine of the series– Mary– has been returned.
And Lady Toni Bevell has been introduced as the spokesperson for the Men of Letters.Про семейный бизнес и репутацию, про влияние репутации на жизнь и как привычки формируют натуру:
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Saving people, hunting things. The family business.
This motto has been questioned all throughout Carver era, starting with season 8 and Dean working on saving things, and then moving on to hunting people, especially in his demon arc.
Anyway, entering season 12 we have someone who is specifically hunting Sam and Dean because of their dangerous reputations, because they’ve become the monsters. It’s the perfect capstone to an already immensely satisfying story arc.
Of course, thanks to season 11, both Sam and Dean are actually on their way to healing now, and I think are no longer monsters. So for me, there’s this lovely frisson of “What will the Winchesters do?” Because it would be pretty easy to become the monsters again in the face of a threat.