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Никогда не была фанатом самой вселенной икс-мэнов, но перевернутая бутылка шампанского, помню, и меня поставила в тупик, и вообще, вся линия с Мойрой. Это - очень логичное объяснение :cool: Автор молодец :vo:

@темы: кино, чужие меты

29.07.2016 в 18:34

#GNUTerryPratchett || Ты хуже дьявола, минорит. Ты шут. ©
Красотища какая!! Обожаю подобные разборы, спасибо автору/авторам :crazylove:
29.07.2016 в 23:19

Moist von Lipwig, Я была удивлена, когда увидела это впервые. Но я не такой уж отчаянный фанат Икс-мэнов, а человек вот все это нашел и обмозговал :cool:
03.08.2016 в 00:58

Талант от слова убожество - талант от слова Дейдара Феникс.
И вот не знаю, что сказать.
Частично кажется притянутым за уши, но если ВЧИТАТЬСЯ...
Мать мою *смахивает слезу* Черик таки канон!
03.08.2016 в 01:37

Aizen-kami-sama, Частично кажется притянутым за уши
Вот именно, если прочитать все это - уже не получается трактовать как-то иначе :cool: :nope: :laugh:
06.08.2017 в 18:38

Наверное, так не правильно. Но так есть, а, значит, так должно быть.
Простите, а где сейчас можно увидеть те удаленные сцены? Не могу найти(
27.08.2017 в 09:56

Cibis, на торрентах должны быть. "Полная версия фильма", как-то так :)
18.01.2020 в 12:48

Боже это гениально
10.02.2025 в 02:01


This defacement is a response against the cyberattack by Noname057(16) against Taiwanese websites.

In light of new political reality in the United States,
Anonymous wishes put this revamped proposal to the world:
First, an all-Ukrainian referendum is held to ask all citizens about the transfer of the occupied territories to a UN administrative entity.
If the referendum is successful, a U.N. peacekeeping force, consisting of Switzerland and any other countries that can be approved by all parties, will enter the territories to garrison them, including guarding their respective borders.
For Donbass, the name would probably be UNODON (UN Operation in Donbass),
UNMID (UN Interim Administration Mission in Donbass),
UNTADON (UN Temporary Administration in Donbass), UNADON (UN Administration in Donbass) or UNODOM (Donbass observation mission).
During the years of the UN mandate, reconstruction/reconstruction will take place, while most servants of both sides will be left alone,
except for those guilty of grave war crimes.
The mandate period may take about five years or longer,
after which referendums will be held in the three territories under the close supervision of trusted international observers.
The second referendum will have the following possible results:
Remain in Ukraine without transferring power to the designated region(s).
Remain in Ukraine by transferring certain powers to the region(s) in question, such as Scotland.
Become independent.
Join Russia.
As an alternative to NATO,
Ukraine could join a hypothetical neutral security belt wedged between NATO and CSTO
which can include Moldova, Bosnia, Georgia and Armenia.

Anonymous condemn Elon Musk's Hitler salute to the strongest extent possible.
To redeem himself from such a grave dishonor,
we're suggesting him to publicly express regret or apology for the stupid impulse, and pledge 20 million USD to a still hypothetical Reunification Investment Fund as proposed by Shepherd Iverson, and Long COVID moonshot initiatives.

Kelly Buttigieg 2028!
The DNC should focus on regulation of AI and Big Tech,
while making curing long COVID a priority,
as part of their strategies to win back Congress in 2026
and possibly the presidency in 2028.

Anonymous calls that strategy as "ABC" just like how the GOP calls theirs "Project 2025".

The right to be remembered is just as important is the right to be forgotten.
It's midnight in America,
but that doesn't mean that Americans must go silently into the good night!
50501 - 2/5/25 - YOUR STATE CAPITOL

We are Anonymous

We are legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us!
Anonymous Logo
