понедельник, 15 августа 2016
Немного цитат про эволюции Сэма, навязанные (делегированные?) мечты всей жизни, токсическую зависимость и старые привычки)"Sam’s choice to run away from Amelia reveals the fracture right through the heart of his character – he cannot risk not being chosen. He cannot face not being wanted. He is terrified he’s not good enough and will be the second-choice, the also-ran, the person loved out of duty or opportunity and not for himself. This has everything to do with John, and with Sam’s childhood, and with the sacrificial role Dean was thrust into of being mother/brother.
He’s now in the same kind of emotional place Dean was post-Hell, and doesn’t believe he deserves to be saved. Much like Dean was, he’s saved anyway in order to be used as a tool of Heaven, and with a similar series of tests designed to grind him down to his core values, and then question them too. Heaven certainly seemed to think that exploiting Castiel’s affection for Dean was the key to programming Castiel for obedience, but instead it was revealed as Castiel’s greatest strength as well as his greatest weakness.
Sam’s need for Dean, and jealousy of Dean loving other people becomes increasingly clear this season. In the finale of Season 8, he asked Dean, “Who are you going to turn to next time, instead of me? Another angel? Another vampire?” At the start of Season 9, he’s tricked into saying yes to angel possession by an angel wearing Dean’s face, saying “There ain’t no me if there ain’t no you.” It reveals how damaging it is to have a sense of self-worth so closely tied to another person, rather than intrinsic to oneself. This is Sam’s central dilemma.
Dean is forced by Gadreel to choose between Sam and Castiel, and goes with long ingrained habit and chooses Sam. This proves a toxic choice, and leads directly into the Mark of Cain arc. The point is that this kind of toxic codependency that privileges their relationship above everything else is unviable and puts everyone around them – the whole world in fact – in danger. It’s fundamentally built on a foundation of misplaced duty, and Dean’s inability to articulate his own desires for something else in his life in addition to Sam. It’s not that he doesn’t want Sam, it’s that he wants something for himself too and feels guilty for wanting it. This is his dilemma.Апд. все-таки вынесу про Дина отдельно:
It’s fundamentally built on a foundation of misplaced duty, and Dean’s inability to articulate his own desires for something else in his life in addition to Sam. It’s not that he doesn’t want Sam, it’s that he wants something for himself too and feels guilty for wanting it. This is his dilemma.
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чужие меты,