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"One of my favourite theories ever since Rowena’s backstory was established is that we were going to end up getting a Grand Coven vs Men of Letters story."
"I know fandom has already picked up on Toni using a Trumpism in “Keep America… safe.”" бедняжка
" Sam is one of the most terrifying characters in Supernatural, and its for the same reasons that the MoL are shaping up to be villains. Where Dean is all outward toughness to hide his inner marshmallow, Sam has an inner core of steel which he’s been battling for as long as we’ve known him. This doesn’t mean he has no feelings, quite the opposite, but it means that when he’s pushed far enough that his civilised veneer is stripped away, we’ve seen that he can become terrifyingly pragmatic in his choices."
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This is also an Andrew Dabb masterclass in visual storytelling. People get the gist without one word being spoken.
Most people will get the gist. There will be a few staunch denialists who insist there is nothing in the subtext.
I don’t follow….because Dean was thinking about sex in the backseat of the car then looked over at Cas?
Because Mary was looking into the car and thinking about sex and we saw Dean parallel that behaviour, look confused, then look over to Cas and have it suddenly dawn on him what Mary was thinking about?
Why would Dean looking at Cas, be relevant to the impala and sex in his mind?"