Прекрасный пост! А потом был Комикк-кон этого года
| понедельник, 01 августа 2016
hannahruth990.tumblr.com/post/147872620709/ohan...читать дальше"and to my shock i found out that many destiel shippers feel the same way. maybe not consciously, but still. i see it in posts full of shame saying ‘don’t ask the writers and actors destiel related questions’. i see it in fear of people at cons who hide the fact that they ship destiel. i see it in this constant need that we all feel to justify ourselves, that ‘no, we do not, in fact, hate sam or want the show to be all about dean and cas!’
if you think of destiel as something to be hidden and ashamed of, then don’t be surprised when it’s exactly how it’s being treated by the writers and actors.
why am i saying this right now? because comic con has started, and spn panel is tomorrow, and i just know that whatever happens, we’ll be blamed once again. "Прекрасный пост! А потом был Комик-кон этого года